Emission is the release of polluting substances or energy from the individual and/or diffuse sources into the environment and its media (water, air and soil). Pollutants and hazardous substances, waste waters and energy are discharged into the air, water and land in a certain manner and in quantities (concentrations or levels) that should not be not above the prescribed limit values.

By measuring the emission of harmful and hazardous substances in the air from the stationary sources, we can determine the level, quantity and concentration of pollution on the sight, or in other words in the stack (individual source). The goal of measurement is to determine if the measured values are above the prescribed limit values. If the measured values are above the prescribed limit values, the recommendation for the improvement is given.

Measuring emission of polluting substances in the air is done on the base of The Law of Air Protection (“Official Gazette” no. 36/09), Regulations about the limit values of emission of polluting substances in the air (“Official Gazette” no. 71/10 i 06/11), and/or Regulations about the list of industrial plants and activities in which emission of vaporous organic compounds is controlled, about the values of emission of vaporous organic compounds while certain usage of dissolvent and total emissions allowed, as well as the scheme for emission reduction (“Official Gazette” no. 100/11),

The stack emission measurement includes:

  • Sulfur dioxide SO2
  • Nitrogen oxides NOx given as NO2-nitric oxide
  • Carbon monoxide CO
  • Total dust matter
  • Organic materials given as a total carbon
  • Individual gas organica and inorganic matter
  • Determinig the stack number
  • Determinig the characteristics of waste gas (temperature, flow, current, apsolute preassure and differential preassure
  • Determining of the volume fraction of O2 oxygen and carbon dioxide CO2


Word Document PDF Document Request for the services of laboratory for testing emission, noise and waste and surface waters

PDF Document Conditions for service execution-measuring emission

PDF Document Reference list-measuring emission



Environmental noise measurement determines the additional noise indicator-equivalent level. The goal of environmental noise measurement is to score the noise level in accordance with the prescribed criteria (the noise level is above or below the limit value), on the certain location or referent spot for noise measurement.

Environmental noise measurement is done on the basis of The Law of protection from noise in the environment (“Official Gazette RS” no. 36/09), Regulations about noise indicators, limit values, methods for scoring the noise indicators, disturbance and harmful factors of noise in the environment (“Official Gazette RS” no. 75/10), Rule book about the methods for noise mesurement and the scope of the report (“Official Gazette RS” no. 72/10), Rule book about the methodology for determinig acustic zones (“Official Gazette RS” no. 72/10), according to the SRPS ISO 1996-1:2010 Standards Acustics - description, measurement and scoring of the environmental noise – Section 1: The basic limits and procedures of scoring and SRPS ISO 1996-2:2010 Acustics - description, measurement and scoring of the environmental noise – Section 2: Determinig the environmental noise level.


Word Document PDF Document Request for the services of laboratory for testing emission, noise and waste and surface waters

PDF Document Conditions for the service execution-environmental noise measurement

PDF Document Reference list-environmental noise measurement



Samplingand testing of waste waters includes:

  • sampling of water
  • chemical testing
  • physical testing

in accordance with and on the bese of:

  • The Law of the waters (“Official Gazette RS” no. 30/10)
  • Regulation about the limit values of emission of polutting substances in waters and dedlimes for their reach (“Official Gazette RS” no. 67/11)
  • Regulations about the limit value of polluting substances in surface and undrground waters and sedimetn and deadlines for their reach (“Official Gazette RS” no. 50/10)
  • Rule book about the way of testing and minimal number of testing of the waste water quality (“Official Gazette RS” no. 47/83)

The goal of testing the waste water quality (testing of the perservment of the limit value contrentration of the waste water discharge), testing the waste water quality (testing the impact of the waste water to the recipient water, testing the impact of hydro works on water quality) and determining the reached level of the purification of the discharged water.

The laboratory, in the scope of accreditation, carries out the following examinations:

  • Temperature
  • Electroconductivity
  • pH value
  • The amount of dissolved oxygen
  • Wastewater turbidity
  • BOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen demand)
  • COD (chemical oxygen demand)
  • Permanganate index - KMnO4 consumption
  • Residual vapors of unfiltered sample
  • Residual vapors of filtered sample
  • Sedimentary substances
  • Suspended solids
  • Fats and oils
  • Alkalidity (pH)
  • Detergents
  • Phenol index
  • Chlorides
  • Sulfate
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Total hardness
  • Nitrate
  • Nitrite
  • Ammonia
  • Phosphates
  • Chromium (Cr6)
  • Silicon
  • Metals (Fe, Cd, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu and total Cr) (AAS)
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)


Word Document PDF Document Request for the services of laboratory for testing emission, noise and waste and surface waters

PDF Document Conditions for service execution-sampling and testing of water

PDF Document Reference list- sampling and testing of water



PDF Document Accreditation scope


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